Retrospective on 2024 and look forward

It’s the first of January 2025 and it’s time for looking back on 2024. Up until 20th of October this year, it was probably the best year I’ve had in a decade, and it’s not an overstatement.


The work part is going well. Business is going ok. I’m getting better at focusing and doing the parts I dislike. I’ve also started taking other gigs from other companies, helping me break the monotony of having a single activity and the risk of a single source of income. Note for the reader: I’m a freelance in cybersecurity (previously known as computer and information security), focusing on embedded devices.

Last year, one of my goals was to do security research and present it at a major security conference. That’s what I did! I presented research on TLD security from the attack surface provided by DNSSEC.

I also gave a series of lectures on cryptography and information security. I enjoyed it but the context wasn’t right for me to thrive into it.

I participated to a F/OSS SSH developers meeting, but due to timing and mood swings it wasn’t as productive for me as I expected when it was planned. It was really nice to meet so many great developers in person, though!


2024 was a particularly bad year for astronomy due to a pattern of bad weather. However I still managed to take a few decent pictures:

M81 and M82 through my ED72 (or TS80?) and LRGB processing. We can see color signal in the cigar galaxy and have a little glimpse at the space dust between us and the galaxies in the background.
This is NGC6888, the Crescent Nebula. It’s a collaborative work for which I only contributed a few dozen hours of wide field pictures.
M101. This was taken in 2022 but with the progress I made with PixInsight I managed to get something better out of it.

I was lucky enough to see the Northen Lights twice this year! The first time was in May, all I had to do was step outside of the house and take this amazing picture:

Northern Lights in Belgium! We can see the red and the green components of the lights, together with some clouds, in the west direction.

I went on a small astronomy backpack trip during my vacation in Greece. I walked alone (14 km) on a mountain path and took this picture. I didn’t process the pictures in the end, but the instant of silence and standing alone in the Milky Way was worth it.

Aris in front of the Milky Way, somewhere on an almost forgotten historical site dedicated to Athena in the mountains.

I spent one week at Saint Véran, pic de Chateau-Renard in Southern France. This is a professionally-equipped observatory dedicated to the discovery of astronomy by motivated amateur astronomers. We founded a small group of 10 astronomers, wrote a project plan and were given a week in October to use the facilities. What we did there is worth another blog post.

The observatory of Saint Véran under the snow

We were extremely lucky and experienced Aurora Borealis on a clear night! These events are rare because they happen mostly during the solar activity peaks (roughly on a cycle of 11 years) and this one was so high, it could be seen from South of France.

The Andromeda Galaxy, Northern lights from inside a telescope dome. The red color we see on the dome is due to the red lights we use to see what we’re doing down there. The red in the sky is due to Aurora Borealis! Picture taken from a mobile phone dropped horizontally on a table.
Picture of the Milky Way. Half of the sky was completely red, the junction being around the Milky Way cutting the sky in half.
The Heart and Soul Nebulae, with Persei Double Cluster. Taken from St Véran with my own equipment.

I saw a few comets too! The first one was in April and the second one in October right after Saint Véran.

12P/Pons-Brooks. Single picture taken with the worst equipment I could use that day.
C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS, single picture, ~20th October. We can see the anti-trail which isn’t bad at all for a unique 13 seconds shot.


My physical health improved dramatically this year. I went from running time to time a few kilometers a week to consistently running at least thrice a week. My set goal in the tracking app is 25km a week and 2 activities. I also go to the gym every other week, where my goal is mostly to not lose muscle. I ran 1025km in 2024 which is more than double of 2023. I also joined a running club and ran in an official race. I’ll continue in 2025. Together with a better diet, I lost most than 15 kilos and it dramatically improved my self confidence about my body.

This is what I look like when I like what I see in the mirror

Exercising consistently improved my sleep, anxiety and body issues. However I have a feeling of diminishing returns and I gained some weight back in November despite running more kilometers. Which is related to the fact the I’m an anxiety eater, going to the subject of:

Mental health

One of my objectives this year was to make significant progress to my difficulties with lack of motivation, difficulties to focus and pathological procrastination. I passed a series of psychological tests and I’m most definitively neurodivergent (the WAIS-IV is not over the top but completely asymmetrical) and the questionnaire-based tests indicate that I have ADHD, as confirmed by the neurologist. This is validating my experience but not directly actionable. I tried medication a few years ago but it didn’t help. The diagnosis is making it easier for me to get actual help from the medical field (to go a bit farther than “did you consider using a planner?”). This is one of the big milestones for 2025.

From this momentum, I bought myself (I mean, my incorporated company bought) a beautiful used car from a luxury brand. I wanted a classy EV that was not Tesla. I spent two months learning to not apologize for driving a beautiful car. Not everyone understands.

Another goal from 2024 was to get back to dating business. A small attempt at connecting back with a crush from high school failed but motivated me to go on with exercising and diet. With me being happier with my physical appearance and being in the best mental shape I’ve ever been in the last 10 years, in August I thought I was ready for the dating apps1.

It was the first time I was dating again in 20 years. The codes have changed. I felt completely lost. The dating apps are dehumanizing, extremely detrimental to mental health and you shouldn’t go on them if you thrive validation, because they bring the opposite.

“My wish for 2024 is to fall in love again”
  1. If I could change fonts here, I’d use something like Frankenstein or a font from horror movies. ↩︎

Edit: I was probably oversharing. I met a lovely girl but it didn’t work and it hurt me very much. It took me more time that reasonable to recover.

I wrote a song. This is the adaptation of the classic “C’est toi que je t’aime (vachement beaucoup)” from humorist group “Les Inconnus”. I wrote it to make fun of my difficulties to let go and my personal insecurities. Music is a safety valve for me. BTW I think I look sexy in a blonde wig.

The state of our planet is also affecting my mental health, and it raises my eyebrows when I meet someone who claims to be indifferent. Between the coming back of Nazism in the United States and even in Europe, the environmental crisis (we’re breaking world records year after year), I’m convinced our civilization has peaked and our “best” years are behind us, at least for the next decade. My son is optimistic and I’m worried for his future in this crazy world.

Conclusion and Goals

Last year, I wrote the following list for 2024. I’m glad I made serious progress in all of these:
☑ Diagnose and start treating my concentration issues (I have a very good idea of where to start).
☑ Continue exercising and eating properly on a regular basis.
☑ Finish and publish my security research.
☑ Be more social and go back in the dating scene.
☐ Make progress with one of my two side projects: design more 3D printed astronomy stuff to sell online, and an educational electronic kit I started designing.
☐ Continue contributing to libssh, either with fresh code or by reviewing and getting merged some of the many pending merge requests.
☑ Stop spreading myself in a thousand of side-projects.
☑ Write more? Maybe start writing a book? A podcast? A Youtube channel?

This seems a good basis for the 2025 wishlist.

  • Seek ADHD treatment. If the therapy I’m following doesn’t work, seek other solutions until I find something that does.
  • Work on my emotional bagage and try to be more happy by myself.
  • Fix my fucking mood swing and stabilize the rollercoaster.
  • Finally install the damned solar panels, now that I have an EV it becomes a priority.
  • Get the crack in my walls checked.
  • While I’m at it, empty the junk in my garage in a garage sale or something.
  • Continue dating, but stop pressurizing myself into unrealistic expectations.
  • Run in official races, a good target would be twice a month.
  • I’d like to take singing lessons. I understood music is important to me, my level at guitar is not bad, I’d love singing as well as I play.
  • Tech goals? Not as much this year. I proved myself I could do security research last year.
  • Only do something if it has a purpose for a personal goal OR I want to do it. No more aimless side quests, I don’t have energy for them anymore.

One Reply to “Retrospective on 2024 and look forward”

  1. Hey Aris,
    sorry for the late comment, thanks for all the news. That’s neat.

    Neurodivergent? Guess you already knew it, it was obvious you were 😉 Glad for you the tests and specialists confirmed it.

    Meanwhile I wish you many good things and all the goals you’ve set, keep it going but stay wise 😉


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