It’s the first of January 2025 and it’s time for looking back on 2024. Up until 20th of October this year, it was probably the best year I’ve had in a decade, and it’s not an overstatement.
Continue reading “Retrospective on 2024 and look forward”S’il te plaît… apprivoise-moi !
Je suis tombé récemment sur ce passage du Petit Prince de Saint Exupéry. J’ai toujours cru que c’était un livre pour enfant un peu gnan-gnan, mais la réalité c’est que le message de ce passage n’est pas accessible à la plupart des enfants, ni même des adolescents. Il explique ce qui se passe quand on “apprivoise” quelqu’un et qu’on doit finalement le quitter à cause des circonstances de la vie. Apprivoiser quelqu’un, c’est un engagement, prendre un risque, qui peut nous rendre malheureux par son absence mais nous enrichit par son expérience et les souvenirs. Pour le comprendre il faut avoir vécu la perte ou la séparation.
Continue reading “S’il te plaît… apprivoise-moi !”Looking back at 2023 and future
The New Year’s Eve 2024 has passed and I’d take this opportunity to write down what’s passing on my mind right now. 2023 has been a better year for me than every other year since 2017~2018, in that nothing really bad has happened 🤷. Here’s some important points:
Continue reading “Looking back at 2023 and future”My journey to astrophotography (part 1)
Astrophotography is an awesome passion that’s a mix of science, technology, history, art and dedication. I’m writing this post to share on my journey, not as a way to teach you anything about astronomy, but to offer a window in my life and also show that it’s possible to get started from zero in a new hobby, provided you invest some time into it.
Three years ago, I wrote a blog post on the reasons why I left my job and was pursuing something better suited to my mindset and where healing some wounds wound be possible. I removed it because a person I’d rather not have read it did (if you think it’s you, please return my calls). One or two years before, I started to notice that not only my job had eaten my hobby, but I was less and less interested in computer security and hacking in general – as doing 2 or 3 hours of hacking at home after having spent the day on a pentest was simply not something I enjoyed anymore. It was time for me to be passionate in something else that didn’t involve reading social media for hours (which is unfortunately one of my other hobbies). Maybe go back to something I always loved without taking the time to explore it, partially because I thought that was out of reach or because I should spend all my time trying to be the best hacker in the world (that didn’t work). A few people may know that I was using the handle “spacewalker” until the mid-2000, it didn’t come out of nowhere but from my fascination for the night sky and poor science-fiction cultural references.
Continue reading “My journey to astrophotography (part 1)”